Sport Sponsorship and Fundraising

SPRT 2000
  • November 2, 2020
    Experience start
  • November 10, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • November 10, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 2, 2020
    Experience end
  • Undergraduate; 2nd year
  • 20 learners; teams of 4
  • 10 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1/2 project matches
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Non profit, Sole proprietorship
  • Sports & fitness
General Communications Market research Sales strategy Marketing strategy Media
sales & marketing business strategy marketing strategy
Project timeline
  • November 2, 2020
    Experience start
  • November 10, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • November 10, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 2, 2020
    Experience end

Students review the strategies used for generating revenue through fundraising and sponsorship. Topics include: sponsorship planning; sponsorship evaluation; proposal writing; fundraising planning and management; fundraising strategies including major gifts, donations, legacy gifts, and stewardship; legislation; volunteer recruitment, retention and recognition; public relations; social marketing; public relations; and trends in fundraising and sponsorship.

Learner skills
Sales & marketing, Business strategy, Marketing strategy

Participating companies can expect to receive a complete report of students' work upon completion of a project.

Project Examples

Companies can work with students to:

  1. Develop a sponsorship strategy and plan; and/or
  2. Fundraising strategy and plan for an event or campaign; and/or
  3. Develop a volunteer recruitment , recognition and retention strategy.
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.